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Sunday, April 03, 2005


Wanna know something? Post a comment here and we'll all laugh at you see what we can do about it.


Blogger My_Little_Bedroom said...

Hey, I would like to know something about blogging. How can I change the background of my blog? How can I put images on sidebars?I know which template tags are linked to this options, but I try to put an image from my PC and I can't...

Can you help me?
Please answer to silent_red_poet@iol.pt

or post a comment at


2:21 AM  
Blogger Rena Bernard said...

I use a very similar template to yours ("dots") but can't seem to figure out how to get individual posts to display anywhere but BELOW the long left-hand navbar.

It's irritating because when people want to link to one post on my blog, their readers have to scroll past all that empty space to get below the navbar to read the actual post! Grrrr!!

Can you help, oh Mighty Master of the Blogger Templates?...

Thanks in advance!
Dawn (conservachick@gmail.com)

PS: to see what I mean, here's a link to one post on my blog --


8:30 PM  

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